Total War: Three Kingdoms - Fates Divided
- Real Time Strategy
Determine the fate of China in the new Chapter pack for Total War: Three Kingdoms. Grow Yuan Shao’s mighty army or stand in his way as Cao Cao and use strategy to achieve the grandest of ambitions.
In the Fates Divided Chapter Pack you begin at 200 CE, a period that finds Yuan Shao and Cao Cao at a crucial turning point. These childhood friends have borne witness to each other’s growing ambition, but Yuan Shao’s patience with Cao Cao is fast coming to an end – a childhood bond is about to break.
Fates Divided includes significant improvements to several in-game mechanics, a new faction, and new units, as well as new playstyles for established factions.
- Chinese (traditional)
- English
- French
- German
- Italian
- Korean
- Polish
- Portuguese

以《Total War: THREE KINGDOMS》的全新章節包決定中原命運。讓袁紹的雄師成長茁壯,或扮演曹操斷其生路,以智謀成就非凡霸業。
《Fates Divided》章節包的故事始於建安五年(公元200年),此時袁紹與曹操正面臨重大的轉捩點。少時曾為好友的兩人見證過彼此逐漸成長的野心,但是袁紹對曹操的耐心很快便消磨殆盡,少時情誼即將分崩離析。
《Fates Divided》針對許多遊戲內機制進行了大幅改善,並囊括一支全新勢力與全新單位,並為現存勢力追加全新遊戲風格。