Total War: Three Kingdoms - Eight Princes
- Real Time Strategy
The year is 291 CE, and a generation has passed since the tumultuous events of the Three Kingdoms period began. Despite the tripartite division of power which brought the conflict to a stalemate, and the brief unification of the kingdoms under the Jin dynasty, civil war is no more than a heartbeat away.
For the Jin is a dynasty divided. Its many ruling princes are hungry for greater power, each with ambitions – and methods – of their own. Eight stand above all others… will they rally to their emperor and empress? Or carve a legacy for themselves that will echo through the ages?
The Eight Princes Chapter Pack is set 100 years after the events of Total War: THREE KINGDOMS, and features a new cast of playable factions led by the foremost princes of the Jin Dynasty. These Eight Princes offer feature substantially different campaign mechanics, focussing their playstyles in fascinating and unique ways.
- Chinese (traditional)
- English
- French
- German
- Italian
- Korean
- Polish
- Portuguese

《Eight Princes》章節包的時間是在《Total War: THREE KINGDOMS》的百年後,由晉朝最威名顯赫的宗王掛帥領銜,為您帶來一系列全新的可扮演勢力。八位宗王的戰役機制各有千秋,呈現出引人入勝的獨特遊戲風格。