Total War: Three Kingdoms - Fates Divided
- Real Time Strategy
Determine the fate of China in the new Chapter pack for Total War: Three Kingdoms. Grow Yuan Shao’s mighty army or stand in his way as Cao Cao and use strategy to achieve the grandest of ambitions.
In the Fates Divided Chapter Pack you begin at 200 CE, a period that finds Yuan Shao and Cao Cao at a crucial turning point. These childhood friends have borne witness to each other’s growing ambition, but Yuan Shao’s patience with Cao Cao is fast coming to an end – a childhood bond is about to break.
Fates Divided includes significant improvements to several in-game mechanics, a new faction, and new units, as well as new playstyles for established factions.
- Chinese (traditional)
- English
- French
- German
- Italian
- Korean
- Polish
- Portuguese
在全新的《Total War: THREE KINGDOMS》章节包中,由你来主宰华夏的命运。扮演袁绍,招兵买马,扩充军势;或是使用曹操化身袁绍眼前的拦路猛虎,运用智谋妙计成就非凡霸业。
《Fates Divided》章节包的故事始于建安五年(公元200年),此时袁绍与曹操正站在各自雄图霸业的转折点上。二人少年相识,相交莫逆,亦见证了彼此不断迸发的雄心。随着袁绍对曹操的耐心消磨殆尽——少时情谊,百金之家,亦将分崩离析。
《Fates Divided》对多项游戏内机制进行了大幅改进,并包含一个全新可用派系和多种新单位,以及现有派系的全新游戏风格。