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Total War: Warhammer III

The Omens of Destruction pack introduces 3 new Legendary Lords, for Khorne, Orcs & Goblins, and the Ogre Kingdoms, usable in the Immortal Empires campaign.

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Pharaoh Mobile Keyart

In Total War: PHARAOH immerse yourself in ancient Egypt at the zenith of its power and experience the dramatic events that threaten its destruction. With dynamic real-time battles and incredible turn-based empire management, will you rise to become Egypt’s last great Pharaoh, or a conquering Great King of the Hittites? Or will you take command of the Sea Peoples’ bloodthirsty hordes and drive the Bronze Age Collapse?  

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Rome Remastered

Total War: ROME REMASTERED lets you relive the legacy that defined the award-winning strategy game series. Remastered to 4K with multiple improvements to visuals as well as refinements to gameplay, it’s time to revisit a true classic. Not everyone gets a second chance to conquer the Roman Empire. 

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Total War: Warhammer III

The last roar of a dying god ruptures the boundary between worlds, opening a portal to the Realm of Chaos. From this maelstrom, the four Ruinous Powers – Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch and Slaanesh – emerge, spreading darkness and despair.

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Total War: Warhammer III - Champions Of Chaos

The Champions of Chaos Lords Pack introduces four new playable Legendary Lords to Total War: WARHAMMER III, usable in both the Realm of Chaos and Immortal Empires campaigns.